ErUM-Data Calls
Wöchentlich, Donnerstags um 14.30 Uhr
Thema: ErUM-Data-Hub Jour Fixe
Uhrzeit: Dies ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes Meeting
Meeting-ID: 975 2521 7478
Information on ErUM-Data calls & collaborators in ErUM-Data
Let's work together!
Networking and exchange are two of the core working areas of the ErUM-Data-Hub. We are therefore happy to accompany and support you in finding consortium partners in ErUM-Data:
- We connect you with other ErUM scientists who are working on similar issues.
- We find collaborators with whom you can write ErUM-Data proposals together.
- We help you to expand and consolidate your network in ErUM-Data in preparation for the next ErUM-Data call
How to stay informed?
Subscribe to the Consortia in ErUM-Data mailing list to stay up-to-date.
This list ( is for the ErUM-Data community interested in establishing consortia and finding likeminded peers, especially regarding the upcoming ErUM-Data Call and will provide you with information on the ErUM-Data Call and invitations to networking events.
Where can I find further information?
Information on the ErUM-Data call and upcoming funding period:
- Announcement of ErUM-Data Call: Bundesanzeiger
- Deadline for submitting applications is 15. Jan 2025
- Start of funding period is 1. Oct. 2025
- Please note: The PT informed us that the majority of the reviewers of the ErUM Data proposals should come from the ErUM fields, but it is planned that, depending on the received applications, also reviewers from applied or close by areas are brought in. Generally understandable project descriptions are therefore requested.
- Antragsberatung, Aktionsplan, General Info (PT.DESY/BMBF Slides): Informationsveranstaltung 6. November 2024
How to apply:
- Information and help from PT.DESY: Hinweise zur Antragstellung
- Easy online Antragssystem & Formularschrank: PT.DESY
- Contact information PT.DESY: Mail and Phone
Looking for project partners?
- Take part in the survey: Here you can register your project, interests and contact details. We will then connect you with others who are planning similar projects. New entries will be connected on the following Monday.
- You also have the opportunity to directly contact the ErUM-Data-Hub and request to be linked to other initiatives. We do not have a complete list of all planned proposals. However, we can connect you with other ErUM scientists who are interested in similar areas of work.
- You can enter your planned proposal in this publicly accessible table and leave your contact details:
- Find other consortia in Federated Infrastructures: See proposal ideas
Have a look at the following links that may contain helpful information:
- ErUM-Data & DIG-UM: ErUM-Data Community: DIG-UM Annual Meeting 2023
- Infos on the next ErUM-Data Call: DIG-UM Big Data Analytics Workshop
- Infos from the „Strategiemeeting“: ErUM-Data Strategiemeeting 2024
Support Measures
From March to May 2024:
- We invite you to take part in this survey, which gives you the opportunity to connect with other people with similar proposal plans and areas of interest and to share your needs regarding further support measures.
In April 2024:
- We will inform you about online and offline networking activities via the new mailing list.
In June2024:
- We will organize a Network Day in Aachen (June 10). This event is to provide a networking opportunity for likeminded ErUM-Data scientists and the possibility to discuss similar proposal ideas for the upcoming ErUM-Data Call.
From July 2024:
- Do you have an idea for a proposal and would like to organize an online or face-to-face workshop or meeting? We invite you to use the ErUM-Data Hub event support service.
- We will keep you updated via the Consortia in ErUM-Data mailing list.
October 2024:
- The ErUM-Data Call is out (October 11) . Please find more information here.
- You can find the call in the Bundesanzeiger when searching for „ErUM-Data“.
November 6th 2024:
- Online information meeting the ErUM-Data Call, organized by PT.DESY
- You can find all information and register here.
November & December 2024:
- Take part in the survey: Here you can register your project, interests and contact details. We will then connect you with others who are planning similar projects. New entries will be connected on the following Monday.
- You also have the opportunity to directly contact the ErUM-Data-Hub and request to be linked to other initiatives. We do not have a complete list of all planned proposals. However, we can connect you with other ErUM scientists who are interested in similar areas of work.
- You can enter your planned proposal in this publicly accessible google document table and leave your contact details:
- Find other consortia in Federated Infrastructures: See proposal ideas
Any questions left?
- Subscribe to the DIG-UM mailing lists to stay up-to-date.
- Follow us on social media to make sure you don’t miss the next steps.
- Feel free to contact us: