Big Data Analytics
Last modified by Judith Steinfeld on 2025/02/13 11:05

Big Data Analytics
Representative: Dr. Jan Steinheimer
Deputy: Dr. Christian Stieghorst
- Workshop on Generative Models (27. - 29. Februar 2024)
- DIG-UM Big Data Analytics Workshop (29. Februar - 1. März 2024)
Topic Group Meetings Minutes
Present: Christian Stieghorst, Jan Steinheimer, Jonas Glombitza, Stefan Häußler, Michael Bussmann, Thomas Kuhr, Sven Simon
New Wiki of ErUM-Data HUB is online. Lots of content already.
Topics of the annual meeting in München 13. - 14. März at TUM:
- Present results of consortia.
- Exchange between consortia.
- News from DIGUM
- Topic: what is the future role of the TG. We requested ideas for discussion. Also via Email.
- Invite representatives from PUNCH + EUCAIF, new developments there.
- Have to remind speakers of consortia + let them forward the invitations to partners.
- Next meeting on 13.02.25 16:00
- Present: Christian Stieghorst, Ahmad Z. Ihson, Thomas Kuhr, Henrik Tünermann, Michael Bussman, Jan Steinheimer
- New call is likely delayed. It is possible that there is only a short period between call and submission deadline so everyone should be prepared for that.
- It was suggested to inform the BDA topic group about the possible delay of the call announcement and to inquire again which proposals are planned to be submitted. Jan will send an Email to the BDA list and then everyone is invited to collect information from their committees.
- The annual DIGUM Community meeting will be on December 2nd or 3rd.
- We need to find at least one new BDA convener until the Community meeting. We should collect some suggestions.
- The next BDA annual meeting should be organized. Could be in Munich. Date in mid-to-late February 25.
- We should ask the HUB for a calendar option.
- Next meeting is planned for November 14th.
- Present: Jan Steinheimer, Sebastian Busch, Christian Stieghorst, Stefan Häusler, Henrik Tünnermann, Alexander Kappes, Angela Warkentin, Thomas Kuhr
- Angela showed the table of topics in which multiple people who participated in the survey are interested in.
- The topics are AI/ML, Sustainability, Software Optimization, Federated Infrastructure, Realtime Analysis, Tracking, Statistical Inference, Inverse Problems
- In general it seems people are better organized in building consortia than last time. Some may not have filled the survey because they already know their partners.
- It was discussed if further connections between the topics should be initiated. The persons who are interested in a topic can be contacted via the Hub. Jan and Thomas will take a look at the individual answers to check for potential further connections.
- Jan will represent the BDA group at the networking day on June 10.
- Everyone was reminded of the Sustainability online meeting on June 17th.
- Next meeting: Thursday, June 20 at 16:00
- Present: Christian Stieghorst, Marina Geneva, Thomas Kuhr, Sebastian Busch, Sven Simon, Jan Steinheimer
- The survey about collaborations was started by the ErUM-Data Hub. Please forward it to interested persons and fill it out yourself.
- A possible workshop in Munich on ML/DL applications at neutron source experiments was discussed. This may be supported by the Hub.
- Thomas mentioned the idea of a workshop about software optimization. The following questions were raised:
- What are the algoriothms doing?
- What are their technical features in geenral?
- It was suggested to find contact persons for overarching topics.
- How can commonalities between different experiments be found?
- When and how will the results of the survey be published? It would be good to see them early to be able to react quickly.
- Next meeting: Tursday, May 2nd at 16:00, assuming the survey results will be available at that time
- Present: Christian Stieghorst, Henrik Tünnermann, Marina Ganeva, Sebastian Busch, Alexander Kappes, Jonas Glombitza, Gregor Kasieczka, Jan Steinheimer, Thomas Kuhr
- Thomas reported from the strategy meeting. It was an open and constructive exchange. Further input could still be provided to the BMBF or PT. Our next task is to support the organization of collaborations for the next call.
- Jan talked about the status of the organization of the BDA annual meeting and the generative models workshop. For the latter there's still room for further talks. Everybody is encouraged to think about how we could support the formation of collaborations so that we can discuss it during the BDA annual meeting.
- The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 14 at 16:00.
- Present: Christian Stieghorst, Henrik Tünnermann, Marina Ganeva, Sebastian Busch, Alexander Kappes, Jan Steinheimer, Thomas Kuhr, Michael Bussmann
- We reviewed the presentation that was shown at the DIG-UM annual meeting and discussed what should be shown at the strategy meeting.
- Thomas will prepare a draft and send it around. Practice talks will be on January 15 and 16.
- Jan reminded us about the BDA annual meeting and asked to encourage students and colleagues to register soon.
- Present: Christian Stieghorst, Marina Ganeva, Sebastian Busch, Thomas Kuhr, Alexander Kappes
- The few responses to the mail to the BDA-TG members were looked at.
- A draft of a questionnaire to collect further input was discussed. Thomas will update it taking into account the outcome of the discussion. If the orga team is happy with it, it will be sent to the BDA-TG members next week. The deadline will be end of November so that results can be shown at the DIGUM meeting on December 11th. A reminder should be sent one week before the deadline.
- One of the discussed items was the sustainability of the developed solutions. It is clear that resources are needed to maintain software and it would be good to know who should provide that from the point of view of the BMBF.
- It would be good to have feedback also from industry partners about the collaboration with scientists in ErUM-Data projects. This should be collected via the projects.
- Next meeting on December 14th at 14:00
- Present: Marina Ganeva, Henrik Tünnermann, Sebastian Busch, Christian Stieghorst, Jan Steinheimer, Thomas Kuhr
- It was discussed how to collect feedback from the community. Jan and Thomas will prepare an email that will be sent to the BDA mailing list. Feedback by email to Jan and Thomas on topics and other items relevant for the strategy meeting will be asked for until the end of October. Afterwards a poll is foreseen to avoid proposing topics to the BMBF for which there will be no application afterwards.
- Next meeting on November 9 at 14:00
- Present: Thomas Kuhr, Jan Steinheimer, Christian Stieghorst, Sebastian Busch, Henrik Tünnermann, Sven Simon, Alexander Kappes
- ErUM-Data is an action plan by the BMBF for funding computing and software activities. DIG-UM is a community organization representing the scientists active in this field.
- A strategy meeting is planned by the BMBF for January 23+24 to prepare the next ErUM-Data funding call. Talks by the topic groups are foreseen. We have to collect the input from the BDA community.
- In a brainstorming session a first list of challenges and possible topics was complied as input to the Digitization Board meeting.
- If possible success stories from currently running projects should be presented at the strategy meeting, in particular if follow-up projects are planned.
- Next meeting on October 10 at 16:00
- Present: Marina Ganeva, Jonas Glombitza, Alexander Kappes, Thomas Kuhr, Jan Steinheimer, Christian Stieghorst
- Workshop status Inverse Problems on 5&6 December in München: Organization is making progress. Should be announced soon.
- Plan for BDA-TG meeting: At FIAS, Frankfurt, preliminary plan is on 22.-23. February 2024. Should be discussed in next week's TG-meeting. Which Indico to use? Is there one from Erum-Data Hub available? Send first announcement to mailing list, not too far in the future.
- Generative model workshop should be done in the same week as BDA-meeting 20.-22. FEB 24. At FIAS. Also needs a separate Indico. Jan will send an announcement to find the organizer team and plan a first meeting also after the TG-meeting next week. Announcement will go out to the BDA mailing list + Martin + Hub? With request to share with people who are interested in organizing.
- Next BDA-Zoom on August 24th at 16:00.
- Present: Thomas Kuhr, Jan Steinheimer, Torsten Ensslin, Christian Stieghorst, Jonas Glombitza
- So far there are only few entries of topics that the collaborations work on were added to the shared document. Nevertheless it is clear that "inverse problems" is an important, common topic a a workshop on that topic is very reasonable. Torsten Enßlin will see if he can organize a workshop in November or December.
- "Generative models" and "uncertainty quantification" were mentioned as further possible topics for workshops. Please give feedback which collaborations would be interested in those topics.
- Jan suggested Frankfurt as location for a "generative models" workshop. It should be held with a certain timely separation to the "inverse problems" workshop. An option would be to combine the workshop with the yearly BDA meeting. e.g. 3 days in total at FIAS in February.
- As date for the next meeting of the BDA TC organization team Thursday, June 22nd was agreed upon.
- People present: Torsten Enssling, Henrik Tünnermann, Jonas Glombitza, Christian Stieghorst, Sebastian Busch, Marina Geneva, Gregor Kasieczka, Thomas Kuhr, Jan Steinheimer.
- Meeting every 2 months, same day and same time (third Thursday at 16:00), same Zoom-channel.
- Composition of Topical Group Organization Team: If we think we are not covering important parts of the community or the group becomes too big we should discuss the composition. Members can send a proxy to meetings if they cannot attend.
- Input from the community (on workshops or other topics) can be sent to individual members of or the entire organization team at any time.
- Connection workshop suggestions:
- To be based on a matrix for methods that are used and worked on in projects, example: Inverse problems etc. Useful for topic finding for workshops and joint activities.
- Give people 2-3 weeks to add topics to a shared document, then identify workshop topics and organisers in the next meeting.
- Timescale of workshop(s): Roughly after Summer break.
- Problems with short term hiring?
- Partner dependent, some have real problems, some are fast. Some Universities are unfamiliar with BMBF contracts in combination with consortia and cooperation agreements.
- Summer holiday deadlines are a problem for contracts.
Good cooperation agreements with companies? Should have an exchange.
- Minutes will be published on the wiki.
- The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 20 at 16:00.
Ideas of Topics for FIDIUM2
- Sustainability: What can we do to use resources more efficiently?
- Integration: Can we integrate our tools and resources (better) in other systems? Technologies to consider:
- PUNCH Science Data Platform
LamaPoll Survey Results
DIG-UM Survey on Big-Data-Analytics