Long-term Archiving @ Jülich Supercomputing Centre

Last modified by Cristina Manzano on 2025/01/17 11:21

A short descriptive name, e.g. "Arbeitsgruppe Kasieczka" or "Röntgenphysik Göttingen"

Long-term Archiving @ Jülich Supercomputing Centre

The full name of the group and it's affiliation, with different hierarchy levels on individual lines, e.g: "group name <new line> institute name <new line> university name"

Long-term Archiving
Operation and Development Team Technical Services
Division Technical Systems and Services
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Forschungszentrum Jülich

A link to the group's homepage.
A more detailed description of the group, their topics and interests.

JSC developes and operates Long-Term Archives (LTAs) for the LOFAR and ILDG communities and is currently planning a new LTA for the GLOW community.


JSC serves as a computing and storage centre for the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) German stations in Effelsberg, Garching, Potsdam, Tautenburg, and Jülich, which are organized under the GLOW (German Long Wavelength) consortium. JSC also manages the data communication traffic connecting these stations to the central computing system in Groningen. The LTA operates at JSC since 2009, accumulating approximately 23.5 PB of data since 2011—about a third of all LOFAR data—making it one of the largest astronomical data collections in the world.

  • ILDG

The International Lattice Data Grid (ILDG) is a federated grid infrastructure comprising regional grids, with the central storage element of the German regional grid located at JSC. Similar to the LOFAR LTA, it is a heterogeneous distributed system consisting of spinning disks and a tape back-end library, currently storing about 300 TB of data. This infrastructure provides a critical foundation for the German lattice QCD community, supporting its studies of the fundamental properties of matter and enabling experimental investigations.

Within ErUM-Data, we have co-submitted the proposal 'Archiv_Futur' as coordinator.