Arbeitsgruppe W. Rhode
Last modified by Tim Ruhe on 2025/03/12 06:14
- A short descriptive name, e.g. "Arbeitsgruppe Kasieczka" or "Röntgenphysik Göttingen"
Arbeitsgruppe W. Rhode
- The full name of the group and it's affiliation, with different hierarchy levels on individual lines, e.g: "group name <new line> institute name <new line> university name"
Arbeitsgruppe W. Rhode
Fakultät Physik, Astroteilchenphysik
TU Dortmund- A link to the group's homepage.
- A more detailed description of the group, their topics and interests.
The working group of Wolfgang Rhode at TU Dortmund University focusses on the development and application of machine learning tools in the context of astroparticle physics. AI-based analyses are carried out for the experiments IceCube, MAGIC and CTA. A key-competence of the working group is the solution of inverse problems via deconvolution.